Diabetes Foot Care ~ Keep Those Tootsies Healthy!

This is a repost from a great blog by my new friend Pat, who blogs as Grow Old With Grace.  She lives in Arizona, just south of Tucson. Hopefully we’ll get to meet someday. 

Do you have diabetes or “pre-diabetes?”  Are you aware of how vulnerable your feet are to wounds, punctures, neuropathy, and other dangers?  HB (HoneyBunny) is diabetic and has neuropathy.  A double whammy.  He is not good at scheduling regular visits to the podiatrist to get his feet checked and nails clipped.

However, we did go today…both of us.  My visit was a followup after getting an ingrown toenail clipped last week.  My toe “thumb” (did you ever hear that term?) is doing just peachy, thanks.  HB got clipped and will have a couple of new prescriptions to take for his neuropathy and diabetic shoes.

This is welcome news to me, as well as HB.  I swear, he has more shoes than Imelda Marcos and not many of them fit him well.  Yet, he insists on struggling to get them on and wearing them because he likes the brand or the style.  He hasn’t come to terms with comfy and Happy Feet like some of us have.  It is my hope that these shoes will help with balance and give him those “happy feet” and save his tootsies!

Here is some helpful information from the National Diabetes Educational Program (NDEP):